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Standard Bidding At Bridge With Sayc Pdf To Excel

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Hearts but with 4 spades will bid 1S. W/out 4 of either Major, Opener will rebid 1NT or rebid own or other Minor. Responder with 5-5 in both Majors, bid 1S. Opener w/out 4 spades will rebid 1NT or Minor. Then Responder can rebid hearts. Responder with 5-4 in Majors, bid the longer Major first. Standard American Yellow Card (SAYC) Download a PDF of the card as well as full instructions for using this popular convention card in single-page format or paginated format. A Spanish version of the instructions is available at

Playing Cards

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Convention Cards

Standard bidding at bridge with sayc pdf to excel spreadsheet

ACBL Convention Card

You can print a blank card. You may also save the file to your computer and edit it for your personal use.


ACBL Convention Card

You can print a blank card. You may also save the file to your computer and edit it for your personal use.

Get helpful instructions for filling out your card.

ACBL 'Fat Free' Convention Car

Download a completed card with a basic system for you.

Basic 2 over 1 Convention Card

From Larry Cohen's Conventional Wisdom Lite series featured in the ACBL Bridge Bulletin.

Download the completed card. To view the Conventional Wisdom Lite series, click here.

Standard American Yellow Card (SAYC)

Download this as well as full instructions for using this popular convention card.

Conventional Wisdom

How to fill out the convention card line by line with advice from ACBL editors. Click here.

Commonly Used Conventions

Explanations of how to play commonly used conventions from the Bridge Bulletin's Bidding Toolkit series. A new convention is added each month

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Convention Card Editors

Other Convention Card Editors (none of these are supported by ACBL)

How to Keep Score

ACBL Duplicate Instant Scorer and scoring for duplicate, teams and rubber bridge.

Home-Style Supplies

Baron Barclay, a website where you can get the supplies you need to score and list results for your home rubber bridge games.

Standard Bidding At Bridge With Sayc Pdf To Excel Converter

SAYC bridge2math Convention Card. See to practice bidding online. A more detailed description of SAYC.

openingopening meaningresponseresponse meaningcontinuation
1♣3+ cards, 12-21 HCP2NT10-12 HCP, invitational
3NT13-15 HCP, sign off
othersee natural responses to 1
1♦4+ cards or 4432, 12-21 HCPsee 1♣ opening
15+ cards, 12-21 HCP1♠4+ spades, 6+ pts, usu. no ♥ support
1 NT6–9 HCP; denies 4 spades or 3 heartsmay be passed
2 ♣/♦10+, 4+ cardspromises another bid unless passed hand or game bid
2♥6-9 HCP, 3+ hearts.
2NT !Jacoby: raise, 13+ HCP3♣/♦/♠ shortness, 4♥ min, 3NT med, 3♥ max
3♥limit raise, 10–12 HCP, 3+ hearts (preempt over X)
3NT15–17 HCP, balanced, 2-card support
4♥usu. 5+ hearts, shortness, <10 HCP
1♠5+ cards, 12-21 HCPsee 1♥ opening
1NT15–17 HCP balanced
2♣Stayman, 8+ HCP2 ♦/♥/♠ (2♥ with both majors)
2♦ !Jacoby transfer to hearts2 ♥, or 3 ♥ with max.
2♥ !Jacoby transfer to spades2 ♠, or 3 ♠ with max.
2♠ !transfer to 3♣resp. rebid 3 ♦ signoff
3♣/♦ !inv. to 3NT with 6+ card suit
3♥/♠6+ card suit, slam interest
4♣Gerber, asking for aces4♦ = 0 or 4, 4♥ = 1, etc
4NTnatural, invites 6NT
2♣strong artificial, 22+ HCP or playing equiv.2♦artif., may be waitingopener's suit rebid forcing to 3 of his major or 4 of his minor; after 2 NT rebid: Stayman, Jacoby, Gerber
2♥/♠, 3♣/♦natural, GF, 5+ cards, 8+ pts
2NTbalanced, 8+ HCP
2♦/♥/♠6+ (or 5) cards, 5–11 HCP; usually no major side suit2NTforcing, game interestwith min. (5–8 p): rebid the suit; with max.: new suit (shows A/K) or 3NT or 4 of minor (shows 4–5 cards with at least Q)
any raiseto play
2NT20–21 HCP balanced, may contain 5-card suit3♣Stayman
3♦/♥ !Jacoby transfer3♥/♠
4♣ !Gerber
4NTinviting to slam in NT
3NT25–27 HCP balanced4♣ !Stayman
4♦/♥ !Jacoby transfer4♥/♠
3/4 of suitpre-empt, rule of 2/3/4

Choosing the opening

Standard Bidding At Bridge With Sayc Pdf To Excel Template

  • open the higher of long (at least 5 cards) suits of equal length
  • with 4–4 minors, open 1 ♦
  • notrump openings show a balanced hand but may contain a five-card suit (minor or major)


  • fourth suit may be artificial ('4th suit forcing'), except in 1♣–1♦–1♥–1♠, which is natural
  • after opener's rebid in a suit, a new suit by responder is forcing
  • after opener's rebid of 1 NT (e.g., 1♥–1♠–1NT), responder's simple non-reverse rebid in a new suit (e.g., 2♣/♦) is non-forcing
  • in that situation, a reverse rebid (e.g. 1♣–1♥–1NT–2♠) or a jump shift into a new suit is game-forcing

Slam conventions

  • regular Blackwood: 4 NT asks for aces, 5♣ = 0 or 4; 5 ♦ = 1; 5 ♥ = 2; 5 ♠ = 3; then 5 NT asks for kings similarly
  • Grand Slam Force: jump to 5 NT asks partner to bid grand slam in agreed suit with two of three top honors in it

Effect of interference

  • usually interference cancels conventions (e.g., after major suit opening and interference, a response of 2 NT is natural, 12–14 HCP, not Jacoby)
  • double of 1 NT does not affect conventions
  • after 1 NT and interfering bid, bid in opponent suit is game-forcing and substitute for Stayman

Defensive bidding

  • D for takeout over opening partscore, penalty opening game bid
  • simple overcall 8–16 points; only forcing response is opp. suit
  • 1 NT overcall 15–18 HCP (10–15 when reopening), balanced, preferably a stopper in opp. suit; 2♣ response Stayman, otherwise natural
  • jump 2 NT is 'unusual', i.e. 5–5 lowest unbid suits
  • jump overcall in suit preemptive
  • a bid in opp. suit is
    • Michaels when opps have bid one suit only (Michaels: 5–5 in majors and 8+ pts when opening was in a minor, otherwise the other major and a minor and 10+ pts)
    • natural when opps have bid 2 suits

Competitive bidding

  • neg. D up to 2♠
  • RD 10+ pts
  • responders jump shift over D is to play
  • cuebid in right-hand opp. forcing to game
  • RD of a D of conventional bid is for business
  • RD is SOS when suit contract of 3 or lower is doubled for penalty
  • D of conventional bid like Michaels or unusual 2 NT shows 10+ pts

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